Your Reward For Keeping The Commandments

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Do you consider the Commandments that Moses gave to the Jews the key to inner peace, that is, balance between altruism and egoism?

Answer: Of course. The most important of them, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” is the foundation of the entire Torah, which is a handbook on how to achieve this condition. Unfortunately, those who consider themselves adherents and believers by observing the Torah do not always pursue this goal.

Question: The commandments, which Moses passed on, included only good deeds and warned not to commit the bad ones. But there was nothing said about how it would be rewarded.

Answer: No compensation should be asked for fulfilling the commandments. If you want to love your neighbor and treat him well, you must do it absolutely unconditionally. Then the inner satisfaction that you receive from it will be your reward.
From KabTV’s “A Special Opinion” 8/17/14

Related Material:
The Commandments Are Heard Only When We Reach Connection
Going Through The Question For Which There Is No Answer
The Goal – Love Of The Other

One Comment

  1. Was there a “real” moses or fictional one for a myth?

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