The Restoration Of Planet Earth’s Ecosystem

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What can you say about the ecology of the world; after all, it isn’t just being violated, but is threatened with disaster?

Answer: As of now, the ecosystem of the Earth is collapsing, being crushed, shattered, and annihilated. Our incorrect relationship to nature causes terrible problems. We have already reached the North and South poles, where they are getting ready to drill for oil.

But on its own, planet Earth possesses an amazing characteristic of renewal under the influence of positive signs that descend from above. So a person’s task is to invite these signs, not to clean the Earth of garbage. This won’t work. As much as we clean it, it becomes filthier and filthier, for chemical and biological cleansing damage the ecology even more.

Rather, the idea is that everything found on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate nature can regenerate and recover at an amazing speed. And this is possible only if a higher spiritual level brings positive signs.

The moment that humanity becomes harmonious through integral consolidation, the entire ecology will, in fact. immediately become balanced and the world will begin to blossom and spread a pleasant fragrance. It is not necessary to be concerned about it in particular, just as it isn’t necessary to be concerned about anything that is found below the spiritual level. If we make a correction on the spiritual level, the corrections will pass down and immediately cause changes on the physical level.

Everything will be changed such that it will be restored to its original divine form. Even those violations that have happened on the face of the Earth for the past twenty or thirty thousand years will be balanced and all the species of animals that disappeared will be restored.

There is nothing imaginary about this because all of nature is mutually connected and all of its levels are found one under the other. The Upper Light passes hierarchically from above to below and arranges everything through a higher harmony.

So, the blossoming of planet Earth depends on our changes and internal education. It is not necessary to do anything besides correct ourselves. Through re-education we begin to look at nature differently, and this time it will begin to come back to life.

Gradually we will stop working with it according to the previous trend, because we understand that all that is necessary is to bring the whole world to a state of balance. And for this, it is necessary to receive from nature only what will reasonably fulfill all of humanity through it, and no more than this. We are connected through millions of connections between us and with all of nature. So thanks to the restoration of the inner ecosystem of humanity, the ecosystem of planet Earth will begin to be restored.
From KabTV’s “Short Stories”, 10/23/14

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