Music That Attracts One Towards Attainment Of The Upper World

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: For me, the “Melodies of the Upper Worlds” is a unique series. The inimitable spiritual experience that a person feels when performing this music can be compared to a rainbow, which is singular, but at the same time produces a variety of different colors and leaves a very wide range of emotions, musical impressions and experiences.

What is this music? How does it become integrated into the world and with the general spiritual attainment of a person?

Answer: Music fills the whole world. On the face of the globe there is no place in which a person doesn’t express himself with some kind of sound. Even animals sing, hum, and echo in different voices, expressing happiness, bitterness, fear, and suffering. And all of this is music, an expression of inner emotions.

The world is full of melody. Even when you look at the sky, the stars, and the universe, you feel that they are filled with harmony. And music is harmony.

In our world there are many kinds of musical styles and various expressions of music. People from all nations in the world and throughout all historical periods have used a variety of musical forms or particular types of external conventions of communication that express their inner emotions.

But besides the usual earthly music that composers throughout all times and societies have created, there is spiritual music which a person experiences when he is speaking not about earthly happiness and suffering, but about emotions that he feels on attaining the upper world, the higher power, the Creator. Throughout human history we have had unique spiritual teachers who marched alongside humanity, but in parallel to it or above it. They used their own methods of expression of spiritual understanding when the true soul sings. The soul doesn’t include our earthly experiences, but the experiences of the discovery of the higher state, the upper world. There have not been many people like these in every generation.

Left to us are some sketches and memories of them. But we don’t know what musical instrument King David used. Was it a stringed instrument, a flute, or possibly an instrument similar to a violin? Even though we read Psalms, we cannot sing the songs as he did.

The written words don’t give us a clear sensation or understanding of how to perform them. At the same time, for example, in the Torah, above and below the letters are clear signs, the marks of cantillation, that give us an understanding of how to sing the text of the Torah.

And if the person is advanced in his spiritual attainment, meaning in the feeling of the controlling system in our world, how he enters into it, feels, understands, and adapts himself to it, he begins to cooperate with it. And he then begins a conscious emotional and intellectual dialog here.

That is, that attainment is carried out on two levels in the heart and mind. Between them are created unique and interesting transitions with a predominance of emotions or with a predominance of the intellect. And yet the music is derived either from emotion or from intellect. In other words, the music of the soul and its general feeling is born as a result of good harmonious relationships between the emotions and the mind. That is what is amazing about attaining the upper world.

When a sage enters into the spiritual world, he begins to feel a higher harmony that cannot be described in words because completely different feelings and a multileveled mind are produced within him. Contradictions merge and approach each other, and unity is extended instead.

So our earthly musical means cannot contain the volume and intensity that a sage feels upon attaining the upper world. No orchestra nor organ will help here, since after all, the idea is not about the instruments that carry what a Kabbalist feels on attainment of the upper world, rather he is also in an audience, which is said to be ready in some form to understand what is conveyed to him.

For example, those who attend  symphonic concerts are not people from the street, or those who are outside playing dominoes. A particular audience goes to these concerts, knows about musical culture, and by way of the musical sounds, aspires to feel particular levels of our world, life and death and everything in between them and what fills them. That is also how it is here.

It is necessary to prepare an audience to grasp spiritual music. This is so that people will begin to hear something higher within those sounds, greater than what the human ear usually can grasp. If we prepare people, they will begin to discern the sounds of the upper worlds hidden in these melodies as if they are heard within them, clothed within them and which are revealed only to people who can hear them and understand about what they are speaking.

The exceptionally unique characteristic of spiritual music is that it attracts the listener itself, and he then begins to aspire to it, be interested in its inner content, and tries to understand the inner layer of emotional and intellectual information that it contains. It is possible to play it before an entire audience and it will itself attract them. When the time comes, it will be possible to give a short course to help people to discover the inner layer that exists in these works.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 2/09/14

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