Judgment And Mercy

laitman_207The Torah, “VaYikra” (Leviticus), Kedoshim (Holy), “Let There Be Light”: The whole world is seen only in one bonding, attached in its entanglement: Midat ha Din (the Quality of Judgment) and Midat ha Rachamim (the Quality of Mercy), Malchut and Bina, attached and entangled in one another. Therefore, when the world was sentenced in the inclusive Din, it was sentenced with Rachamim, with Malchut included in Bina. Were it not so, the world would not have been able to exist for even one moment.

No matter what is going on in this world—wars, cataclysms, natural disasters—everything stems from Mercy. It is hard for us to accept this fact since it is impossible to justify disaster being at the level of this world. In order to correctly understand what is happening around us, we should reach the level at which actions are originated and from which they are performed.

In other words, the Light of Hassadim (Mercy and Love) descends into this world from Above. At a certain level, love dresses into the property of Judgment, in formidable actions. We have to ascend to this level, go through hardships, and attain a degree of Mercy. This process is called the “revelation of the Creator.”

However, our ascent should be internal, moral. In this world, parents often punish their children. When a child reaches a certain age, he understands that they were right. If his parents didn’t act the way they did, they would fail in his upbringing. So, he agrees with their actions, acknowledges his parents’ love, and appreciates their actions.

Question: What if I am a witness to numerous disasters that occur to the entire nation? Do I also have to “grow up” in order to understand why they are happening?

Answer: What is the difference? All of us are small, silly children. We all require a long and thorough upbringing.

You shall be holy (Kedoshim), for I, the Lord, am holy. When the Creator created the world and wished to discover depths out of the concealments, and light out of darkness, at that time they were mingled in one another. For this reason, out of darkness came forth light, and out of concealment came forth the deep. One came out of the other. Out of good came forth bad, and out of Rachamim (Mercy) came forth Din (Judgment). Everything is included in one another, the good inclination and the bad inclination, right and left, Israel and the rest of the nations, white and black. Everything depends on one another.

There is no difference between these things at the level of the upper root from which everything stems out. Pluses and minuses, the good and the bad, are the same. The “difference” between these notions is needed only to teach us, to elevate us from this world to the higher level at which everything will merge into one, unified whole, and become one love.

Question: What does it mean: “One came out of the other”?

Answer: At each level, there is a state “Mercy from Judgment” and “Judgment from Mercy,” they are two blocks, Aba ve Ima (Father and Mother). Interactions between them stimulate our development. That’s why we attain Mercy when we ascend.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 3/19/14

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