Toward The Desired Goal

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I have friends whose influences I feel; I have a connection with them. And if I want to include everyone within me, I need help. I don’t understand where it will come from; whom should I ask?

Answer: Within our unity there truly exists a force that unites and holds us together, but in the meantime we don’t feel it. This is called the Light that Reforms. This is the uniting and connecting force that we want to feel between us.

Question: How is it possible to hold onto this point and not flee from it?

Answer: You will flee from anything that there is except for what your body wants at a given moment. And it wants to eat, to sleep, to rest, and to play.

This means that, in any case, you always act against your body. For this there exists an environment that forces you to yearn for spirituality. There is nothing to do! But if you understand your goal, it becomes desirable to you.
From the Convention In St. Petersburg 9/18/14, Preparatory Lesson 1

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