The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 65

From the book The Essential Secret of the Jews, M. Brushtein

A Crisis Cannot Be Accidental

So, what have we learned? Initial theses:

  1. We live in a world that is “accidental,” continuously integrates [References] or, if you like, compresses humanity.
  2. Accidentally and at the same time regularly humanity finds itself in crises.
  3. On the planet, there is a “strange” people that was created during the very first crisis. The principle of “love thy neighbor as thyself,” on the basis of which this people was created, everyone likes, but no one can realize it.
  4. Anti-Semitism – an aversion to the “strange” people – is a phenomenon that has no rational explanation.

Now, each item’s details

1 We live in a world that is “accidentally” continuously integrates1 or, if you like, compresses humanity.

“World history would indeed be very easy to make, if the struggle were taken up only on condition of infallibly favorable chances. It would, on the other hand, be of a very mystical nature, if ‘accidents’ played no part. These accidents themselves fall naturally into the general course of development and are compensated again by other accidents.”  (Karl Marx, Letter to Dr. Ludwig Kugelmann, 1871)

“The whole history of science has been the gradual realization that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired.” (Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time)

“Nothing in nature can happen by chance. Everything is subject to fixed laws. These laws are only the necessary connection of certain effects with their causes. One atom of matter cannot meet another by chance; this meeting is the effect of permanent laws, which cause every being necessarily to act as it does, and hinder it from acting otherwise, in given circumstances. To talk of the fortuitous concourse of atoms, or to attribute some effects to chance, is merely saying that we are ignorant of the laws, by which bodies act, meet, combine, or separate.” (Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d’Holbach, French-German author, philosopher, encyclopaedist and prominent figure in the French Enlightenment)

2 Accidentally and at the same time regularly humanity finds itself in crises.

“It is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put the existence of the entire bourgeois society on its trial, each time more threateningly.” (Karl Marx, Manifesto of the Communist Party)

“It appears that crises, like diseases, are one of the conditions of the existence of those societies where trade and industry are prevalent. One can predict them, alleviate them, delay them up to a certain moment, one can facilitate the recovery of economic activities; but it has turned to be impossible to eliminate them notwithstanding all the possible methods that have been applied.” (Clément Juglar, French doctor and statistician)

Crises accompany the entire history of human society. At first, they were manifested as crises of underproduction of agricultural products, from the middle of the 19th century as “under-consumption,” associated with an imbalance between industrial production and effective demand.

Until the 20th century, a crisis was confined to one, two or three countries. Later, it began to acquire an international character, as through competition and reciprocity, the development of trade created favorable conditions for spreading. (Economic Dictionary)

(To be continued in the next segment.)

1 Integration (from Latin Integer – complete, whole, intact) is a process or action that has resulted in integrity, association, union, restoration of unity. (Philosophical Dictionary)

Related Material:
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 64
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 63
The Essential Secret Of The Jews, Part 62

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