The Secret Of The Ten Tribes, Part 4

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Abraham’s group, with their law of love for the other as for oneself, “went” through all the generations in Egypt. They experienced it, got out, stood around Mount Sinai, and became a nation. At the time, where was the group of Nimrod, meaning the rest of humanity, Babylon?

Answer: In the meantime, people gradually dispersed and settled. Kabbalah and the Torah do not study this because they are engaged in the spiritual elevation of man, and this is happening on the same earthly level. All this is described well in Flavius Josephus’ The Antiquities of the Jews.

Question: Let’s go back to the people of Israel, which came into its own “land,” in the egoistic layers of its own desire. How did they begin to process this egoism?

Answer: It was not easy. Firstly, they did not know how to alter it or how to begin to work on it.

They did not have Moses with them. There were no Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. And here  began a different control of the people.

Basically, it was a kingdom. All kinds of frictions arose between them that were not described in the Torah, but in the Prophets and then in the Scriptures. They chose where to build the Temple, meaning where there was a suitable place for the sum of their spiritual desires. But we are not talking about geography, simply this process described in geographical terms.

The twelve tribes began to divide the land among them. There was a condition under which the two tribes should live beyond the Jordan where today’s Jordan is located because it was supposed to be according to the plan of the common soul on earth.

In general, there is a human nature (the soul), as well as animate, vegetative, and still. All these levels are projected on top of each other, and all are built on the same parallel principle. When the human nature begins to be manifested in us, meaning similarity to the Creator, according to this spiritual move, we also change the place of residence. In general, everything changes in us, and we do not even notice how much we change. This happens instinctively, as if by itself. Thus, we begin to explore and discover how we now need to exist.

Question: Do they continue living by the principle of love for the other as for oneself?

Answer: Of course! They continue, deepening it further. This means populating and developing of the land of Israel because the land means desire. Thus, they move forward.

But the matter is not that they divide the land between themselves. In the sources it is described how every tribe settles on its land, where it should be. The borders and clear distribution between them are described. The tribes cannot be mixed with each other because the common desire, the common soul is divided into four levels according to three lines. Hence, (4 x 3) twelve parts, the twelve tribes appeared, which must fully match their purposes, from the spiritual to the earthly level, so that they are exactly and identically added to each other according to these levels and even follow each other in a parallel manner.

Question: So, the correction of the world begins here with this small area, on which the twelve tribes are “laid?”

Answer: Yes. What is interesting is that it is said that later, at the end of the days, all of humanity becomes attached to these twelve tribes (ten of which were lost but will return). Then everything becomes clear because the modern Babylon turns into one whole, and the twelve tribes appear again in order to spread throughout the earth. That is, the “land of Israel,” like La Peau de Chagrin “stretches” throughout the entire globe, not physically of course, but internally.

Thus, this is the process of the correction of the huge layers of still, vegetative, and animate and, in general, human egoism, which is already covered, fused in one whole, and spread over the entire earth in a form that is presented to us today. As a result, from a small point, a new world is formed, with a new intention, and an aspiration “straight to the Creator,” Yashar-El, Israel.
From KabTV’s “Babylon Yesterday and Today” 8/27/14

Related Material:
The Secret Of The Ten Tribes, Part 3
The Secret Of The Ten Tribes, Part 2
The Secret Of The Ten Tribes, Part 1

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