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The Perfect Society Of Abraham, Part 1

Ancient Babylon receded into the depths of history, but it is still reflected in our time. Its entire course is a single process, linked from beginning to end and from end to beginning.

That is why when we see how history repeats itself, but on another level, we need to draw the right conclusions from what happened and is happening.

So, in Babylon, which was ruled by King Nimrod, Abraham’s group was formed, which challenged the “official” program of development with its own program. Nimrod said that the hatred and separation that flared up between the people must be overcome in a natural egoistic way: to settle in different places in order to have less contact with each other, in modern terms, to move out from shared to individual accommodations.

Abraham’s opinion was different: We cannot do that; we must connect. And now we have to pursue not division, but unity [1].

As a result, three million followed Nimrod, and only five thousand followed Abraham. This small group of distressed people, who were not satisfied with the people’s general concept, called itself “Israel [2]” and left Babylon. “Accumulating” years, centuries, and millennia of suffering, it moved its own way up to the present day.

Question: Was the group “pushed out” of Babylon and forced to start its own movement?

Answer: I would not say that it was “pushed out.” Pressure began later, but not at the beginning.

In those days, Abraham was a great Babylonian priest and sage. The people who gathered around him realized that his method of correction, or the method of a new life, attracted them by its inner meaning, that it is not just egoistic “divorce,” separation, scattering to different places, but the movement inside. The corresponding message, the request of the soul, was awakened in them, and they were ready for it.

After all, humanity evolves not just technically; it changes form throughout history: slavery, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, etc. In other words, it changes its shape, it changes its content. The quantitative growth of egoism [3] also acquires a new quality.

So, the followers of Abraham felt that they could not develop just egoistically; they needed to reach a completely different level, to “jump” to the next level. Thus they adhered to Abraham, who fulfilled their internal demand.
From KabTV’s “Babylon Yesterday and Today” 8/27/14

Related Material:
Urgently Needed: Helpers For Abraham [4]
How Did the Dispute Between Abraham And Nimrod End? [5]
Throw All The Power Toward The Main Matter [6]