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The Decline Of Babylon, Part 3

It is not that most of the Babylonians disagreed with Abraham; rather, they didn’t feel that this was for them. Only five thousand people felt that he was the bearer of Light for their lives drawing them forward, that he could be their shepherd, their leader, their guide, and that they would follow him. They felt that they were going towards that small ray of light, without worshipping their idol, but they followed him as their leader.

He let them “taste” a little of the positive force. And they understood that in following him they could realize, attain, reach, and discover it. Subsequently this force would be called the “Creator [1].”

And whereas others “sorted themselves out,” they cut themselves off from Abraham and followed Nimrod, Terah, etc. Only one thing was left for them, the same bad situation, quarrels, and fights between neighbors, that in fact they had nowhere to flee from each other, but they still didn’t understand it. “We have terrible taxes. It is necessary to go somewhere; it is necessary to do something. We are going there, and where are you going? Well, that’s your business! Between you and me, I would not want to go that way at all, but they are going there so I will also go there… or should we go in a different direction?”

As it is said, “Change your place, change everything.” In the pursuit of a better life and on the run from confrontations, people scattered, went in different directions, gradually settling all over the face of the earth. But how long could that go on? They spread out to the degree of the growth of the ego [2], to the degree of their multiplication and their physical reproduction. They continually developed like this, searching for a better place.

Here it is necessary to understand that a person searches for a better place according to his inner feeling, according to the root of his soul. Ultimately, they spread to those places where their soul was inclined to go, wherever it led them.

In principle, animals operate in a similar manner. They roam the forest, wandering from place to place, and with them everything is measured: Here it is better, here it is worse, here there is lots of sun, here is little sun, here the ground is not suitable, and here there are lots of trees.

In other words, they were searching all the time, they constantly presumed where it would be better for them, where nourishment would be more accessible, where it would be more secure, where to find a mate, where to raise offspring, and so forth. A huge amount of internal information was processed and directed all of their movements.

The same thing happened with the three million Babylonians who followed Nimrod’s concept. The developing ego gave them similar sensations, and a person suddenly understood that the ego was attracting and moving him, one to the beach of the Black Sea, another to Alaska. In this manner they spread over the face of the world.

And then there was a great migration of peoples. And again people moved from place to place, but not just that, rather an eruption of a great egoistic desire moved them, for example, to subdue someone, to impose taxes, etc. But these were only external signs, essentially what was driving them forward was a feeling of the imperative to be nourished somewhere else, nourished internally, spiritually, and mentally.

Conversely, for example the Chinese, for thousands of years didn’t venture from their “corner”; the Japanese didn’t let anyone leave or enter. Such was the static state of the soul. And on the other hand, what culture, what civilization! Everything developed only within, with their unique problems and conclusions.

And so the Babylonian tribes dispersed and settled, each one found his place according to his soul. Josephus Flavius writes about this in detail: Some of them went to the land of Ashkenazi, others went to England, France, Spain, to the East, to Africa, etc.
From KabTV’s “Babylon Yesterday and Today” 8/27/14, Part 4

Related Material:
The Decline Of Babylon, Part 1 [3]
The Decline Of Babylon, Part 2 [4]
The Perfect Society Of Abraham, Part 1 [5]