Audio Version Of The Blog – 08.23.14

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The Round Method

From the brochure “The Only Way Out”:

One of the most effective and affordable means of the technique is the “roundtable.” A roundtable is a mechanism for decision-making on matters affecting the interests of all social groups of society, as well as a meeting place for these social groups.

Roundtables have been known for a long time. According to the legend, King Arthur, the fabled leader of the Britons in the 5th and 6th centuries, introduced the roundtable so that his sovereigns and participants at his feasts would not argue with each other about the best place and, therefore, felt equal.

A normal,well-known roundtable has existed for about 1,500 years. The Kabbalistic roundtable has its roots in antiquity. It was one of the most important legislative and educational tools of the Jews at the dawn of civilization. It was used to rule the country and raise the younger generation:

“We sat in a semicircle, in love and friendship, as one whole, like the Sanhedrin, having no doubts in each other. Thus we saw and heard each other and debated with each other until the decision came out properly.

If we had set in a row, and not in a circle, the first ones would not have seen the last ones. But we did not sit in a full circle, so that everyone could exit and enter.”Rashi, Rabbi Shlomo Ben Yitzhak (1040–1105),  commentator on the Bible and Talmud and community leader in northern France.

The proverbial roundtable proved itself to be an effective tool for solving various problems. At the same time, the effectiveness of the roundtable, based on the method of Kabbalah, is simply amazing. Complete strangers experience such relationships that exist only between the closest people.

With this tool, you can improve relationships in the family, settle conflicts at work, and resolve the problems at the national level. It is no secret that the root of all problems, from traffic jams to armed clashes, is ultimately in the relationship between people.

It is important to note that the roundtable is held according to certain principles. Its participants should make an effort to add their own individuality and originality to the common pool. Efforts should be directed to minimize disturbances and friction on the one hand, and to enhance each other’s contribution.

The technique allows overcoming any barriers that hinder our understanding: mentality, origin, age, political views, etc.

At the same time, a specific solution to a specific problem is not the goal. This is a natural consequence of the unity achieved in the circle.

Reaching a new level of harmonious, integral relationships, similar to the perfection of nature itself is our goal.

The integral method does not begin and end with roundtables. The roundtable is just one of the many tools of integral education.

Related Material:
Roundtable: A Tool For Integration
A Collective Cooking Pot Of The Spiritual Filling
Preparing For The Great Assembly