The Systematic Approach Of The Wisdom Of Connection

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Integral education is not just games or pleasant encounters. Rather, this is a powerful, broad-minded, systematic method. What is needed for us to stop looking for solutions to problems only on an isolated individual level where we never find a solution, but to approach problems collectively, systematically?

Answer: The method of connection is a unique program for discovering the true reality through the development of our senses. We lack the tools for grasping reality. Physically, we have five senses—seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching—that work in particular ranges. If we were to extend our range of vision from minus to plus infinity, then we would see a different picture, and then this would no longer just be called “vision,” for we would perceive the world in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges, beyond the usual frequencies.

Hearing is also in waves, like everything that we feel. Suppose that it were possible to extend the range of audible waves from zero to higher frequencies without limit. Then, we would discover more wonderful phenomena which we are not conscious of yet. After all, we perceive what enters the range of frequencies that we sense, and, if the phenomenon is outside our frequency range, then we don’t see or hear it. Our senses of sight and hearing simply reject phenomena like these.

It is interesting that most of the neurons in our brain belong to the sense of smell. The entire brain is enveloped in cells responsible for the sense of smell. Apparently, once the sense of smell was an important function as it is with dogs where it is more important than hearing and even seeing. However, in the course of human evolution, the sense of smell lost its importance. Also, the sense of taste is more limited in people. A dog just needs to touch food to immediately determine if it is spoiled. An entire laboratory is working in a dog that gives him immediate results. However, a human is incapable of this. So, he is compelled to send samples to a laboratory and wait a week for the results. We have to train dogs to work in airports to find drugs or money by scent.

This means that humans lack sensations. But, even if we were to develop seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, and opened ourselves to all the frequencies, we still would grasp only a small fraction of reality, because behind all the senses, stands our desire within which we perceive reality. The amount of desire determines the intensity of our perception.

The problem is that our desire is very small. How much do I want to see, to hear, to feel, and to taste? Just a little. That is, our perception is limited not only by the range of the senses, but also by the desire that stands behind them all.

However, the main limitation is that our desire makes it possible for us to perceive only what interests it, and we don’t pay attention to what doesn’t interest our ego. So, we don’t see the reality that is in front of us.

Of everything that is in front of me, I only see the small part that I am interested in or is useful or harmful to me. But if something doesn’t touch my desire from the point of view of its being good or bad, then I simply don’t see or perceive it.

Outside of me, there could be endless sources of influence, but they don’t interest me. I don’t want to pay attention to them, so I don’t discover them. I don’t feel them, and I live as if they don’t exist at all, and in the meantime, they influence me without my knowledge, just like radioactivity.

The only solution is to switch to a different form of perception, not egoistic. In other words, it is up to me to perceive not what is interesting or harmful to me, but to open myself to all of the reality that is in front of me, without knowing what it is.
From KabTV’s “The Meeting of Worlds” 6/20/14

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