The Lost Cells Of The Body

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe should always keep in mind that all our vessels are external to us. We can only feel this world in our current animal, corporeal desire. But this isn’t the true reality, it is like feeling as a single cell detached from the body, and therefore feels no life.

Life is metabolism, the exchange of data, so what each of us feels now is real death. There is no spiritual vitality in our current state.

If we try to connect with all the friends who are with us in a circle and also with all the Kabbalists, with the prophets, with everyone who has ever lived in this world and we work on the correction, collecting the parts of his great desire that is in others, we obtain their desires from them.

A person’s soul is external to him; it is in others. To the extent that he listens to that and wants to connect with the parts of his soul, asking for connection, he attains the vessel of his soul. The Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif) influences him and connects the parts.

When the Light can be revealed in this vessel that a person has put together, it is revealed. Then it isn’t the Light that Reforms anymore but the Light that fills him with the good and the benevolent.

Everything is done by the Light. It connects the parts of the vessel for a person and fills him, and thus a person advances on and on. A person’s level on the spiritual ladder is measured by the number of vessels that he attaches to himself, and he ascends higher and higher until he connects all the shattered parts.
From the preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/14

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