The Sunset Of The Era Of Print

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, “The Nation”: Hence, we have taken upon ourselves the publication of this paper, to stand guard and warn of the trouble, and explain it to the public until all the segregating elements will be silenced.

Question: It is no secret that in our day publications are undergoing a crisis. Will newspapers survive in the future?

Answer: It is difficult to say how much longer they will last considering the strength of electronic formats. Today a person essentially doesn’t need a newspaper or a book, he sees everything on a computer screen conveniently and comfortably where one can adjust the font and style of the text.

Today it is possible to take electronic devices everywhere, like a newspaper. And tomorrow we will really be able to open an article and keyboard in the air in front of us, in the form of a hologram generated from some small device the size of a wristwatch.

So I don’t see a future for the printed materials, not for a newspapers or books, besides our books, even though most of them will be transferred to a screen format.

Humanity is creating electronic instruments according to its desire, and this is becoming more sophisticated all the time. So I suppose that there won’t be a return to the era of print.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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