Study Shows Couples Without Children Are Happier

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from The Telegraph): “Open University study finds that when people were asked to rate the quality of their relationship those without children emerged as happier overall.

“For centuries, having children has been held up by many as the ultimate source of fulfillment and meaning in life.

“However, according to one of the biggest studies ever conducted into Britain’s relationships, childless couples have happier marriages.

“The project has found that people without children are more satisfied with their relationships and more likely to feel valued by their partner than couples with children.

“The study, by the Open University, involved interviews and surveys with more than 5,000 people of all ages, statuses and sexual orientations.

“When people were asked to rate the quality of their relationship those without children emerged as happier overall.

“For both men and women, those who did not have children ranked the quality of their relationship more highly than those who did. They also did significantly more to ‘maintain’ their relationship, such as taking time to go out together or talk, than those with children.

“Yet, when asked to rate how happy they were with their lives in general there was a gender divide. Mothers were happier overall than any other group, while childless women were the least happy. By contrast men with children emerged slightly less happy than those without.”

My Comment: Never before have people contemplated the necessity of marriage and offspring. This has always been taken for granted. Increased egoism triggered a critical attitude to the institution of family, marriage, and procreation. Now we are in a transition period and it is not possible to solve anything

But soon we will sober up and make the necessary decisions as the blows of life force us to rise above our egoism, to begin to look above it, and into the meaning of our existence.

Of course, for our kind of existence today, it is really not worth living. But it is worthwhile to live for the sake of the revelation of the Creator and eternal life that is perfect, even in this lifetime.

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  1. is not a bad thing. Evolution at this point would favor a slight….being nice about it…reduction in populace. Which also happens with spiritual principles. But that depends on the viewer…of course. Thanks for the sin offering lesson Dr. Laitman, of course that is exactly what i was reading today.

  2. ” Of course, for our kind of existence today, it is really not worth living. But it is worthwhile to live for the sake of the revelation of the Creator and eternal life that is perfect, even in this lifetime. ”

    I do not agree that our existence is not worth living today… imagine if all think like that to begin with? To me it worth a lot to live. It makes me extremely happy making money for good causes of the world, for our environment, to reduce poverty, to take very good care of your employee and to make sure he is happy.
    Charity foundation also makes me happy, being able to help other in the need.
    and to all the things I enjoy to do in life makes it all worth living.
    And not compares to meditate with HaShem through praying and connect with him. and following the torah way of life also makes life veeeeeeeeeeery worthwhile to live.

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