Now I Think The World Will Believe Me

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Could it happen that I might bring harm to the world?

Answer: Certainly, you can cause harm if you don’t carry out the right actions that are required of you with intellectual and emotional participation in the system by free choice. Instead of this, you become a burden to the world. This is how you destroy it.

The right action is learning where your free choice is, what it is, and realizing it. This is what we are learning. Every day, you must make it anew and perform new acts of connection with others, and when you don’t take such actions, you cause damage. In other words, you don’t yearn to be in one heart with all the inhabitants of the world. You don’t make actions to see this connection as the most important thing in life.

Question: When Rabbi Shimon fell to the state of Shimon from the Market, did he cause damage to the system?

Answer: When a Kabbalist falls and rises, he doesn’t do any harm. Instead, he only brings benefit. By falling, he discovers a shortcoming that must be corrected. He reaches this shortcoming, Shimon from the Market, through his efforts and preliminary preparation. You don’t. There is a difference between preparing ourselves for the next action and not preparing.

Question: So, it follows that everyone in a group who falls harms it and condemns it?

Answer: No, it depends upon which person falls, as it is written, “For a righteous man falleth seven times, and riseth up again” (Proverbs 24:16), for this is a Tzaddik and not just some corrupted person. Shimon from the Market is a spiritual concept. This is a fall into such a depth like nobody before him has fallen or after him will fall, and from such a depth he can rise up and justify the entire creation.

If someone like a baby falls, we don’t consider the fall or the getting up. Everything depends upon preparation.

However, if a person whose time has come for correction destroys, instead of correcting, apparently he reduces the world to the way of “in its time,” causing war, disasters, a Holocaust. We have gotten all of this already through our failure to correct in time.

We could have prevented the first and second world wars with all of their horrors.

Even now, we can prevent the third world war. Indeed, we are in the generation of the Messiah, which gives us free choice. This is no longer the exile that we had to endure.

In the writings of “The Solution,” Baal HaSulam wrote: I have already conveyed the rudiments of my perception in the year. I have also spoken to the leaders of the generation, but at the time, my words were not accepted, though I cried out loudly, warning about the destruction of the world. Alas, it made no impression.

Now, however, after the atom and hydrogen bombs, I think the world will believe me that the end of the world is coming rapidly, and Israel will be the first nation to burn, as in the previous war. Thus, today it is good to awaken the world to accept the only remedy, and they will live and exist.

We hope that we can stop this slide into the abyss.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/13/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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