I Have Asked For Years But Have Received No Answer

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe only way to awaken the AHP (vessels of receiving) of the upper is by asking Him for the power of bestowal. Then the upper will raise His AHP and convey the Light of AB-SAG to you, which will correct your vessels so that by the corrected vessels, you will be able to bestow unto others.

How can you ask the upper for that? If you annul your vessels of receiving (your AHP) and want to connect with the vessels of bestowal (with GE), with others, it is the proof, the conclusion, which you bring to the upper and demand that He give it to you. I want to annul my AHP and I want to connect to everyone by my GE ( vessels of bestowal). Thus you influence the AHP of the upper and oblige Him to rise as much as necessary to fulfill your request.

If you manage to raise a certain part of the AHP of the upper, it means that you have raised a prayer, MAN (female waters). It is the same thing.

Question: What about all the demands, the requests, and the prayers that I have been raising for years?

Answer: I don’t know if you have raised even one prayer during this whole time. What you ask for has to be compatible with what the upper is ready to hear from you. You are asking for a needle to prick your eye or for things that can harm you and so the upper certainly doesn’t answer you.

You may cry and ask, but the upper will wait for you to grow wise. All the prayers are accepted Above and are added to the work, but it still doesn’t lead to the raising of the AHP of the upper, since it isn’t MAN yet.

You cry out, but the upper doesn’t answer. But still, He performs certain actions so that you will understand that it is impossible to ask this way and for Him to give you what you are asking for. It is just the way we behave with children. In our world, time brings about changes, while in the upper world, our actions actually determine time.

If your take the deficiencies of the public and ask the upper to fill them, you are performing actions of bestowal. You want what is good for them but not for yourself, and so you are treated differently. You become the upper’s partner in taking care of the lower, and thus rise to a different level. By that you resemble the Creator and this is why this work is so beneficial for our advancement.
From the preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/08/14

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