The Money Monster

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Timi Ećimović, PhD, professor and Chairman for life of the SEM Institute for Climate Change): Money, a human invention, is rooted in ancient history, but it took only a half a century in the 20th century to turn from a assistant to a master – and at the beginning of the 21st century, our civilization became secondary in importance after the master money, which has turned from a master into a monster.

“But the entire power of this money monster is not enough to curb climate change, and people need to find a way to achieve a sustainable future without the domination of the money monster, but in the context of sustainable development and harmony with the biosphere of the Earth. The sustainable future of humanity is the harmony between the human and nature/the biosphere of the planet Earth.”

My Comment: We are weak before the power of money, but climatic and other environmental changes will force humanity to change its behavior.

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The World Of Fake Money
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