The Higher Value Of The Environment

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In order to hold the staff in hand and not let it turn into a snake is it necessary to work on our environment constantly?

Answer: That’s right, but it’s necessary to work on the environment not to hold the staff in hand but because I see my future corrected state in it. This means that the environment is not a means, but has value in itself; it is a higher system.

Within the environment the “staff” and the “snake” are revealed, and also the form of the Bore (Creator), who is called “Bo-Re” (come and see). In the right connection between the friends, the Upper Light begins to be revealed and shine, and we discover the vessel along with the Light.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/20/14, Shamati #59 “About the Rod and Serpent”

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