The Exodus From Egypt, Then And Now

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why does it say that the last redemption will be different from the exodus from Egypt?

Answer: These are the same principles. There cannot be anything that is basically new because the laws of the Light and the desire do not change. But the last redemption will certainly be different from the exodus from Egypt.

We should compare the conditions we are living in now and those of the past. The vessel of the Israeli nation that went down to Egypt wasn’t shattered. It was small but whole. This is how it began to join Egypt and enter the desire to enjoy for one’s self without the shattering, but while keeping its intention to bestow. Therefore, it says that the children of Israel didn’t change their name, their language, or their customs.

This is the reason why their exit from Egypt wasn’t an exit from the shattering. The Light operated and revealed who is who, separating Moses from Pharaoh, the right line from the left line, the rod from the serpent.

The nation of Israel remained Israel even in exile, which means that the connection between them was maintained. They wanted to tighten it even more and then they found out that it didn’t work, but the connection itself remained.

After the destruction of the first and the second Temples, however, the nation of Israel was shattered and mixed with the nations of the world, which means with the real Egyptians to such an extent that now it is under the domination of Egypt, which controls every step they make, every thought, every desire, all their manner of life. They have totally dissolved among the nations of the world in Egypt and have become totally assimilated. The ten tribes are lost and no one knows who and where they are. Even they don’t know anything about themselves. This is our state today.

So the current exodus from Egypt will be totally different from the previous one. Then there was the nucleus. The Israeli nation was under the domination of Pharaoh, but they knew that they were enslaved. The nation was in exile, but they understood that it was exile.

If we tell the Jews today that they are in exile, they will not believe it. Today redemption is considered getting a new Mercedes or a higher salary. In the past they were on a level where they understood that they lack the power of bestowal. They lack this understanding today.

So today’s exodus from exile first requires the recognition of the exile and the establishment of the nation in it. When we are in Egypt, we begin to feel that we are in exile, under the domination of the ego that doesn’t let us connect, which is called Pharaoh. Thus we begin to establish the nation of Israel among us from our group.

Afterward we will have to start working with the public, explaining to them that we are in exile, that connection is a good thing, and that it will help us become a nation. The more we see ourselves as a nation, the more strongly we will feel how our ego dominates us and doesn’t let us be together. This work precedes the exodus from Egypt.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/27/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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