It Is Impossible To Build A Spiritual Partzuf Without Uniting The People

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How is the task of uniting the people connected to building our spiritual Partzuf?

Answer: First of all, we arrange a small part, all who belong to the spiritual Israel: all of our friends throughout the world, all the groups. If we yearn to connect between us, we are building the spiritual Partzuf, but this Partzuf is very small. This is only Galgalta ve Eynaim (GE).

So that GE will have power, we must connect the AHP to us. In GE, there is the Aviut (thickness) of 0-1-2-3-4. Also, in the Light of Hassadim, there is its NRNHY. So, we are compelled to organize external dissemination. It is written about this that people will take the children of Israel on their shoulders and will bring them to Jerusalem to build the Temple. As it is written, “And the peoples shall take them, and bring them to their place; and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Creator” (Isaiah 14:2), as well as, “…and they shall bring thy sons in their bosom, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.” (Isaiah 49:22).

In this form, we rise to the height of the Temple. However, when we begin to build it, the nations of the world, who brought us there, will enter and be integrated into this building of the true spiritual Partzuf that is built from ten Sefirot into the Malchut of the world of Infinity.

We cannot build our spiritual Partzuf without the people of Israel and without the entire world. But first of all, we need to connect the people of Israel as AHP to our GE.

So, we are involved with dissemination. We simply have no choice because if we don’t disseminate, we ourselves will not grow. We are not talking about growth such that people will join us and be like us as a result of our dissemination efforts. Instead, thanks to serving the people, our GE will grow towards the higher goal.

Question: What will people get from our dissemination?

Answer: If people support us, they will receive Ohr Makif  (Surrounding Light) through us and even a little more than this. Everything depends upon how much they are connected to us. It is even possible to receive inner illumination. Without a doubt, a strong feeling of support, security, and protection will appear.

There is no difference in the Light, whether it is Hochma or Hassadim. Everything depends only on those who receive the Light. If people nullify themselves and connect to us, then they reach the first level, the still, and begin to feel the spiritual power in it.

Question: What else do we require from people besides aligning with us and giving support?

Answer: We need to provide education to the people, not just once, for us to explain what we are doing, and then enlist their support. We must involve everyone in a systematic process of education. Thanks to this, we will grow.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/16/14, Writings of Rabash

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