Clouds Over The Border Of Egypt

Dr. Michael LaitmanRabash’s Article, “Come Unto Pharaoh – 2”: The fact was that everything that they built would fall. This means that every time they built for themselves some structure in the work, the Egyptians came, meaning the alien thoughts of the Egyptians, and ruined all their work. In other words, all the work that they did with all their efforts to overcome and to serve in the work of holiness was swallowed in the ground.

Thus, each day they had to start over, and it seemed to them as though they were never engaged in the work of holiness. Moreover, each time they contemplated moving forward, they saw that not only did they not progress, they even regressed, since new “who” and “what” questions would always surface in their minds.

These are the well-known questions of Pharaoh: (Exodus 5:2) Who is the LORD, that I should hearken unto His voice? and (Exodus 12:26) What mean ye by this service? And the questions became heavier and heavier, and if the person advances from day to day, he sees himself less and less successful. But it’s necessary to accept this as reliable evidence of advancement for this happens with each and every one when he approaches the exodus from Egypt.

Precisely because the person invests much effort, they show him how much he doesn’t succeed. Therefore there is no chance of advancing if the person isn’t fortified by study, the Rav, and the group. And this applies to both men and women. There is no difference between them; the process is the same process.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/16/14, Writings of Rabash

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