Touching Bestowal

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What does a person feel when the attribute of bestowal is clothed in him instead of the attribute of reception? Does he go out to the streets filled with love for those who pass by, as if he enjoys the view of mountains and lakes while driving? Is it a permanent feeling, or does it pass immediately just like the pleasure I feel from the beautiful view?

Answer: The filling you get from bestowal passes and then comes back again as the states constantly change. Why do you think that this state, this feeling should remain? The pleasure you feel from the beauty of nature is much longer than the spiritual feeling. Every spiritual state ends the moment you feel it. This means that you have already touched it. You don’t need to feel it more than a moment in order to respond, and that’s it.

If I receive a chance to relate to others with greater concern than for myself, it doesn’t mean that I have to hug and kiss them. I can even shout at a person if he doesn’t work correctly; it makes no difference. The inner attitude belongs only to the connection of our souls. It is like your attitude towards your own child, who you love inside, while on the outside you do whatever it takes in order to educate him, until the internality and the externality become one.

Love always lifts a person above others since it prepares him for bestowal, and bestowal is only possible from the big to the small. It is a feeling of belonging, but not an egoistic feeling like with regard to your own child. It is impossible to describe. It is said: “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” There is nothing we can compare this feeling to in the corporeal world.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/24/14, Questions and Answers with Dr. Laitman

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