The Meter Is Ticking

Dr. Michael LaitmanThere is nothing more important than dissemination. Besides this you don’t have anything more to do; nothing will help, not our beautiful intentions, not the dances with the friends. There is no other activity besides dissemination that will remain after your death and will be recorded in your account. So choose what you are doing now.

Life is going by every day, every second, every moment; the meter is ticking. If you don’t direct it towards disseminating knowledge about the Creator in the world, the revelation of the Creator to the creatures, which is the foundation of the wisdom of Kabbalah and is the goal of creation, then you are not in spirituality. There is some kind of physical protein body to which they gave the opportunity to develop a personality and it didn’t take the opportunity.

And don’t think that even the activities that you do for the sake of dissemination are your personal actions. All this is on account of the environment, the external conditions that attract and obligate you. After all the great work you invest in, what percentage is left there to be recorded on your account?

There is no other opportunity similar to revealing the deeds of the Creator to the creatures besides dissemination work. And it’s not important that this can be in a covert form like integral education, connection between people and so forth. All of this is working in the right direction and the right form through which it’s possible to turn and to reach the community. Therefore, I recommend doing this.

Otherwise, why would I need to connect all kinds of events in this world with the phenomena of the upper world and to explain this as one would to little children on their level? It’s clear in this way that all of these problems are those of the human ego. What difference does it make how this small human acts? But it’s the accommodation from above for the sake of this small human that is actually the revelation of divinity.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/20/14, The Zohar

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One Comment

  1. I have no doubt, is the best method. “Share” as facebook says. But as I questioned you another day, Dr Laitman, Kabbalah is the best method to reach the end of correction. Why it is not shared or disseminated by the mainstream media? Could help many people to create the right connection to build the third temple. Do you not agree with me?

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