Life Demands

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Today so many books and pamphlets have been written on the subject of Integral Education. We certainly see that the time has come to create a textbook about the integrality of the world and ways of coming out of the crisis.

Books give a general idea about the state of society, about modern man, and humanity passing through a crisis. What’s good about a textbook, however, is that it systematizes all the material that has already been written, expressed, thought through, and applied in practice.

Answer: In my opinion, the first part of the textbook must be dedicated to the present state of humanity, which it reached as a result of its development. We are entering a new, unknown, completely chaotic, and even frightening period. We feel our future as “terra incognita” (unknown territory).

Very few people still don’t feel that humanity is in a blind alley. Someone perceives this in a more aware and conscious way, someone else feels it on the level of intuitive concern, uncertainty about the future. Today these moods penetrate all of humanity since both in society and in nature something is happening that forces even the most habitual skeptics and optimists to ask the question: “Why? And what will happen next?”

I am not a prophet in any way, but if previously the predictions of the wisdom of Kabbalah were realized over the course of 20 years, today, the things we are talking about will be realized within 3-4 years. Time is getting shorter.

Therefore, our textbook is very important because it should direct a person towards the correct understanding of the future and the strategy of life that he must choose in this complex and completely incomprehensible state of “chaos.”

We will try to make this textbook easy and accessible to everyone because even for the most highly educated people who belong to the spiritual or scientific elite, everything that we say and write is often new and unexpected. And while we comprehend these things in a general way, as a complete picture, in the meantime, for most people this is still some fragmentary information that they can agree with, but not so in regards to the entire picture. Therefore it’s up to us to describe everything on an accessible and comfortable level.
From a TV program “An Integral World” 10/24/2013

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