What The UN Prepares For Us…

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Project Syndicate): “At the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly, which began on September 17, world leaders are laying the foundations of a development agenda to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which expire in 2015. The upcoming Sustainable Development Goals will be based on the understanding that economic development is key to improving human well-being and securing the most vulnerable people’s rights. But, in order to make genuine progress, policymakers must address the factors that constrain development, particularly violence and conflict. …

“In formulating the post-2015 development agenda, world leaders must recognize the tremendous impetus that less violent, more harmonious societies would provide for economic development. By stimulating a virtuous cycle of peace and prosperity, policymakers can contribute to the well-being of people worldwide. Now that is a goal worth pursuing.”

My Comment: The UN cannot do anything, but to play out what it is imposed on it. There is no solution to problems at the level of our world! The problem is that our egoism, from the force that develops humanity (the seven years of satiation of slavery in Egypt), began to devour its children, like a cancerous tumor that starts to consume its own body, resulting in the death of the body and thus its own death (the seven lean years of slavery in Egypt).

At the end of this development by suffering (Beito) in terrible suffering (the ten plagues of Egypt), there should be the awareness of a dead end and the desire to exit the egoistic nature at any cost. Starting from today, we can complete the entire path in a gradual correction by seeking unity (Ahishena). In this way a remedy against egoism is manifested (the cancer is treated by radiation – the Upper Light).

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