My Home Is Made Of Sand, And My Castle?

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe shouldn’t just teach a person good manners but really need to change his nature. Otherwise the story about the cats that were trained to be waiters and wear a suit will repeat itself. According to the Hassidic fable, the moment the cats saw the mice, they threw the trays they were carrying and chased them.

This means that we can teach a person to behave politely, but the moment a certain pleasure shines for him, he will throw away everything you have taught him and run away. We have to change a person’s nature! Therefore, we have to be very realistic and to understand whether we have the power to do so or not. If we don’t, then we shouldn’t bother people and should let them enjoy life as much as they can: at a bar with friends having a glass of beer or at a football field munching a snack.

The point is whether you intend to correct the world with the Light or whether you are just wasting people’s time with your ideas. In order to have the Light that Reforms you need to be arranged as a spiritual vessel, a vessel called mutual guarantee. This is what you should take care of first of all since otherwise there is no point going out to the public.

If we go out to the public equipped with the force of the Light, it means that we enable the Creator to fight in our place. After all, what can we do by ourselves? We have already found out from our experience that the Creator shatters to pieces all the attempts people make to establish a welfare society by themselves. We are yet to see in the near future how the American economy will collapse and totally disintegrate and the tremendous effect it will have on the whole world.

It’s time for the Light to operate! Without the Light everything will fall to pieces. Once there was a big ego that held the grains of sand together and we could build this whole world like kids who build sand castles on the beach. But today this connection is gone, the ego has disappeared and it doesn’t hold the grains of sand together anymore. It has no fuel left, no filling that can nourish it.

What can you do with a person who doesn’t want anything and is ready to spend the rest of his life living with his mother, who doesn’t want to work, and who sat the age of 20 dreams about a small allowance in order to survive somehow. The ego isn’t working today since it sees no benefit in it. So from what can we build something? We see that everything is falling apart and the crisis is everywhere, in every part of the world. Strong nations such as Syria are so badly destroyed that it will take 30-50 years to rebuild it, if at all.

Flourishing countries are becoming deserts since the Light has to come and revive the vessels now. This depends only on you! So you will have to come out to the world and bring them the method. If you don’t bring them the method that has to go through you, everyone will blame you and feel that you are responsible for all the problems in the world and they will demand it from you. It’s a serious situation. You cannot just live the day, everything can turn upside down in a moment.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/01/13, Shamati #38 “The Fear of God Is His Treasure”

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