Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, And Later – Everywhere!

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Michael Khazin, economist): “The problems of Greece, Bulgaria, and Spain have already become habitual. Unemployment of close to 60% of the youth is a social disaster. If a person has never worked until the age of 30, he will never work.

“This means that there is no normal family (basically, liberal Western society is actively fighting this in every circumstance); there is no normal social adjustment; there is no social recovery. There are not many possibilities. There is theft, terror, revolution or becoming a wild animal through drug addiction.

“All this doesn’t give any chance of recovery for modern Western society of more than one generation. The number of the wealthy will be reduced 10-fold and these will rob the last of the middle-class earnings during a tense social and political conflagration. Reduction of the middle class will arouse the phenomenon of the ‘new poor’ and their anger about the entire system.

“Economic theory says that one should not expect any improvement in the world and Western economy in the next decade.”

My Comment: It is true; the plan of the elites is the rapid, painless, peaceful, and quiet reduction of the human population, up to1-2 billion. And the primary concern in this period is the peace of mind of the masses. Therefore, drugs are administered, and in order to clear themselves, they maintain propaganda against smoking because it is damaging to health.

However the result of all this “change” will be an understanding of the need for an absolute structural change in the whole of society, humanity, its relationship to itself and to the world, through war or peace, depending on the dissemination of the method of integral education.

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