Don’t Exit The Highway

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Would you say that the path of “hastening” and the path “in its time” are two different vectors?

Answer: Advancement “in its time” is not a vector.

Let’s say, now I’m in a certain state (1), which has to move on to the next one (2). To cover this distance, we must hold on to the principle of the unity of Israel, the Torah, and the Creator. If I direct myself in this way, then I advance by the path of hastening.

Don’t Exit The Highway
But what if, having gone some part of the path, I suddenly fail? What if I was not successful here, i.e., failed to equip the desire that was revealed to me on this stage with the altruistic intention? Can I move on without the right intention? No, I cannot.

Consequently, there is no path by which you can move forward “in its time.” I have to stand here with my incorrect intention (←), which pulls me to the “left,” to the material. Next, I need to come to the realization of evil and then get back on track.

However, to realize evil, I have to enter it, exert myself, make up for all that is missing, come to an inadequate result, be sorry for what happened, and then go back to the acceleration vector.

Thus, I have no chance to advance to the goal “in its time,” even if a thousand blows force me. After all, they are not punishment for mistakes. I still need to make calculations and afterward identify the true evil and see that troubles are not evil but good. I seemingly kiss the stick, thank the Creator for its blows, “Thank you very much, that’s great because now I realize that I am in evil.” Moreover, I am aware that blows are goodness, and what once seemed as pleasure to me is a bad thing.

Thus, misery lets me get closer to the Creator. However, along the way I have to feel and comprehend so much, to change so much in myself on this long path of suffering… It is called this but in fact it is not even a path —I just make a turn and come back. And this turn may take not a year or two, but say, twenty years.

Don’t Exit The Highway
Question: How can we accelerate along a straight line?

Answer: You can speed up along a straight line if you are constantly connected to the center of the group, again and again. Taking the steps on the way means realizing one’s free choice. But its realization is to strengthen the group, which is the only means of achieving the goal.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/6/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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