Are We Able To Love?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In principle, everyone is able to love. Some love children, some love a husband or a wife. Why, when we come together, is it so difficult to invest the feeling here, although we seem to have the goal, the intention?

Answer: It is because our intentions in everything, except what we are engaged in, are egoistic, and that is why they are aligned with our nature, in the same direction. My intention is to quench my thirst. I take and drink. It means that I quench my desire and the intention helps realize the desire.

Here, to the contrary, the intention is opposite to my desire. That is, I use my intention to change my desires to the opposite, invert them, and that is why we go against our nature. This is huge internal work that requires enormous effort, the support of the environment, and experience.

Moreover, people get angry not understanding how they can orient themselves in this process. Seven billion inhabitants of this planet, all the countries and civilizations, act absolutely egoistically in relation to each other, and suddenly we talk about the need to realize the Biblical commandment, “Love thy neighbor.”

But how? After all, it is hard to do even in the group, not to mention to a greater extent, on a universal scale. However, we will not correct ourselves otherwise; we will not change ourselves. Either we will do this through suffering, if we wait for it, or ourselves, by drawing the Light.

If we focus on the right action, that is, by getting together fully, applying effort, concentrating on the intention and action, then we can succeed. The most important thing is to make this action the first time, and, only then, do you begin to understand how it happens.

Question: Why do we love children? What kind of feeling is this?

Answer: This is an animal instinct. As an animal loves his offspring so the human being loves his children. You do not love someone else’s; you love your children. However, to love someone else’s child, you will only be able to this when you correct yourself. We are heading toward this.

To speed up this process you will need to get together and support each other. To “get together” means to try to unite mutual intentions and efforts, to stop feeling oneself, but to feel others. If you force yourself to do this, you will find out that all the others are already in there and are waiting just for you.
From the Convention in St. Petersburg, “Preparatory Lesson”

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