The Model Of Future Society

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Anatoly Wasserman, journalist, political consultant, scholar): “Post-industrialism did not prevent the crisis because the world was building just its model – a society where the industry operates without human intervention, and the person is engaged in development.

“It was assumed that people, freed from the sphere of production, would be engaged in creative activities, culture, art and creation. But no one bothered to establish this process of engaging people. It was also found that people do not need so many services that could be provided by those who were freed from production.

“The result was that many people exist on unemployment benefits, disguised as activity that no one needs. And payment for these salaries, or rather hidden unemployment benefits, requires financial maneuvers as payment for something in demand.”

My Comment: Wasserman is right, but he does not have a solution: It is the introduction of integral education and upbringing everywhere, and then in the gradual, gentle transformation of society into a society of reasonable consumption, the reduction of excess production to bring humanity to a uniform level of living, and unity, up to the point of revealing in this unity the Creator—eternal and perfect existence.

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