The Lack Of A Good Example Is A Bad Example

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe have to constantly see before us the good example of the friends who show us an example of greater power and greater dedication. When I look at a weak friend, even if he is on the same path I am, I also grow weak. We have to agree that we work together and empower one another.

Just seeing weak people, even in our society, causes us harm since it weakens us by setting a bad example. I look at the friend and I also begin to think that I can study less and not come to the lesson every day.

So I have to see a burning fire in everyone. The society must demand this from every member. No one can just remain on the side and study quietly in the corner. He has to set an example for others. I have to feel that I receive vibes of yearning for the goal from everyone, how new daily changes occur in them with regard to the Creator and the environment, so that I will feel as if I lag behind the others who are advancing quickly and will be drawn by them, and so that I will envy their success egoistically and will not be able to calm down. But if they don’t provide me with all this, I don’t need such a society.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/10/13, Writings of Rabash

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