The End Of The Era Of Unrestrained Consumption

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: We see tremendous efforts that America has taken in order to settle the situation in the Middle East and financial efforts (printing money) that are meant to stabilize the present system. But as it looks, it isn’t connected at all to change in man himself.

Answer: It isn’t connected because they don’t understand what they need to do. They don’t know nature’s plan. They have no concept of the system of integrality, and thus all their attempts bring and will bring only bigger and bigger developments of crisis. The attempts are produced because we will be breaking nature instead of correcting ourselves to match it. This is their mistake.

Question: But according to modern man’s perception, man himself is a closed system and it’s impossible to do anything with it. What is possible is to use this in some way as a buyer and make him work well.

Answer: It’s already impossible to do all of this. You can’t make buyers out of them. First of all, these relations are completely different than before. Secondly, in a person, the desires change not only in quantity, but also in quality. Today, it’s difficult to make people be crazy consumers, even if you require it from them through all the communication media and public relations. Gradually it’s ending since people change, since we develop, evolve.

During many thousands of years, we were realizing our infinite desires. And then afterwards, in the last 50 to 60 years, they taught us to build a society of unrestrained consumption: I work, I buy, I throw away, and again I work, buy, and throw away. What for? So that dollars will collect in someone’s bank account.

It’s now ending. You can’t require a man to work, to buy, and throw away and again work, buy and throw away. He has begun to be tired of this. His ego has begun to be processed, like everything is processed in nature, and to change qualitatively. Our next needs are found in another area.

A person is already tired of serving his body and running from store to store searching for what he saw yesterday on TV. Today, more meaningful desires awaken in him. We are slowly moving towards the next level. The question is asked, “Why do we exist?” And this is the next level of development.

And here you can’t bring satisfaction to people with new rags or the latest phones. You can’t because there is a time production through all means.
From KabTV’s “Through Time” 3/17/13

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