The Elevator Between The Floors Of Attainment

Dr. Michael LaitmanIf from our current state we feel that there is a higher state, distinguishing the radiance that comes from it and anticipating its properties, we can use this upper state to advance to it. Then, we will make a step accelerating time (Achishena) instead of waiting for when this state comes naturally (Beito), and in this way we will bring the Creator joy and help our friends.

We need to find out whether by doing this we are going to make an action of bestowal or not. If this is bestowal, do we act above reason inside it? Of course the actions inside reason are preferable because it means that there is a revelation that gives us the power to act.

And the action above reason is the means of ascending to the next degree by the path of Achishena, accelerating time. But it is not entirely in our hands, we do not have the strength to rise to this height; rather, we use the elevator that is divided into two halves. First, we perform the action above reason and thus attract the force of correction, and then with the help of this force we carry out correction and rise to the next degree.

It is good if we clearly, “within reason,” see the means that enable us to rise to a higher degree. But it is better to work with them in “above reason” because it will be the path of the Light (Achishena).

Gradually, a person learns these principles and begins to work successfully. I hope that we are at this stage of discernment and soon everyone will accumulate enough impressions to become clear in everything and see the map of the route of his development in all its features.

It is worthwhile to keep in mind that the upper degree is achieved by faith above reason, that we use as the means of ascent, time acceleration. But we should seek not to remain in faith above reason but to go “inside reason,” that is, to attain more and more. The goal of each state is to reveal the Creator in our corrected desires.
From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/3/13

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