This Strange Reality

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Alexei Chulichkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences): “The form of our notions about the world is constantly changing. Speculative ancient models of the Universe were replaced with the medieval idea of the divine creation of the world. In modern times, there emerged a new method of understanding Nature, which created the illusion that human reason is omnipotent.

“However on a scale that is much different from what a person is used to, in the world of atomic or cosmic phenomena, our mind cannot grasp the observed because at the heart of the observed reality there is an invisible quantum reality, which becomes visible to the extent of interaction between the observed and the observer. The study of quantum reality has led to the realization of a unified picture of the world and its relationship with human consciousness.

“We are in the process of rethinking the world and human being, of forming a new vision of reality – everything that exists (human, society, and nature) is a single system, a single unit.”

My Comment: It is encouraging to read what Kabbalah has been saying for thousands of years. Based on the realization of a new picture of the world, there is a need to bring society to being one general kind, to the similarity of the whole system. This is the subject of the method of “Integral Upbringing.” After all, only in the balanced system will we be able to feel that we exist in an eternal perfect state.

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