Audio Version Of The Blog – 05.25.13

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Growing Up To A Sense Of Community

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When people interact with each other online within the framework of the same project, they contribute to the common cause, not seeing and not even understanding completely with whom they communicate, but just feeling each other through everyone’s contribution.

Answer: If in this way they can achieve the feeling of each other, then virtual connection is useful. Then it can give them something. The question is how directly, seriously, and sincerely do people try to unite. And whether they have opportunities to do this; after all, there must be some connection: vocal, verbal, textual. How is it expressed? In addition, the fact that they don’t see each other could be even better.

The main thing is to reach the sense of community, to feel each other.
From KabTV’s “The Wisdom of the Crowd” 5/6/13

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Breakthrough From Virtual To Spiritual
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A Plan To Combat Youth Unemployment In The EU

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Bloomberg): “Germany and France will announce joint proposals this month to address Europe’s soaring youth unemployment, the Labor Ministry in Berlin said, confirming a newspaper report of a planned ‘New Deal for Europe.’

“The blueprint will be unveiled in Paris on May 28 and will enroll the European Investment Bank to unlock billions of euros in loans to companies that create jobs for young people,

“The EIB may ‘leverage’ the 6 billion euros ($7.8 billion) to be made available through 2020 by the European Union to offer loans worth a total of as much as 60 billion euros, the newspaper said, citing unnamed officials. …

“The economy of the 17-nation euro area will probably shrink for a second year while unemployment will rise to a record 12.2 percent, the EU Commission said May 3 as it presented new forecasts. Youth unemployment – defined as people aged below 25 without work – rose to 24 percent in the single currency area in March, according to Eurostat.”

My Comment: Everyone understands that this is not the answer because there is no demand, and it’s unclear what jobs to create and what for. Development drives us towards a society of reasonable consumption of what is necessary for existence: healthy food, clothing, and so forth.

We will no longer be able to create artificial jobs just to occupy people, deliberately produce perishable products. We must admit that we have “arrived” at a new future: There will be no work, but people will be engaged into building their future image of a “person of the integral world.” Correcting oneself is the only work that remains for us.

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The Comprehensive Integrality

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: I still don’t understand what the “integrality” that we speak about all the time means.

Answer: Essentially, it’s about changing our approach, about a new “data set,” about a new perspective of the world. What is an “integral?” Let’s clarify this in geometric terms. Suppose there is a certain area that can be divided into small squares of a certain size. Then the area of each square is one square (1…²). In addition, we are also left with smaller parts that are not squares.

The Comprehensive Integrality_1
So how do we calculate the general area of the body (S)? We add all the squares to the area and then we have to calculate the area of the special parts (S-?). If we were speaking about weight, we would have to see what their center of mass is (He-?).

The Comprehensive Integrality_2
So we divide this area into even smaller squares and then add it up. The sum () is called an “integral” (). Thus we calculate from zero to infinity (), down to the smallest details.

In the same way we reach the lowest level of the human race by integral education, down to the last detail. Eventually each of us, every “square” is equal to all the others. This is how integral education relates to generality, wholeness, and complexity.

The education will not correct the ego. The ego will still remain as it is, and there is nothing we can do with it: It cannot be re-trained, re-educated to move from reception to bestowal. The integral education “cuts corners” a little, but it doesn’t correct humanity. By implementing it we only bring people closer to a state that allows us to bring them the Light, and the Light will do its job, which we call “reform.” The conclusion is that the circles that we build will actually change only after we pass the Light to people.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/19/13, “The Mutual Guarantee”

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Integrality: New Horizons
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The Technology Of The “Wisdom Of The Crowd”: Motivation

Dr. Michael Laitman with StudentsQuestion: In crowd sourcing projects, there is no uniform method, uniform schema, that explains how people connect integrally in order to create a collective mind. All the schemes are created as an experiment, but people cannot repeat them. Therefore, communities that are being created can crumble at any moment and possibly cannot even be created. Could this be a problem of motivation because all these societies are organized without a financial interest?

Answer: This must be a gathering of people for whom there exists a single motivation: We are gathered together in order to be connected into a single unified whole. This is called a “crowd.” A crowd is not just an assembly of people who suddenly gathered in a public square because everyone has heard that something new, strange, and interesting will happen there. The wisdom of crowds (crowd sourcing) is people who understand that there is some kind of mutual integration.

Question: Under what conditions does their mutual integration happen? Why do they succeed in uniting?

Answer: From the point of view of integral science, there must be a kind of unity where every person desires to integrate with the others. And this means that he needs to humble himself before the others, no matter what a great, wise, and all-knowing scientist he is. This is to say, people should have a motivation to be integrated with the others, to listen to them.

Therefore, on the one hand I have to be lower than the others, be ready to accept all that they think and know, ready to accept their point of view. On the other hand, I believe that my point of view could be useful to them, and therefore I express it, without pressuring the others.

It follows that there exist two very different levels: I humble myself towards the crowd, which I call a “group,” and I raise myself above the group. Both of these points of view are given credence. Every member in the group works with them both.

It is specifically in this way that I am included in the others; otherwise, I cannot do this. In relation to the crowd, I am working with these two polarized determinants. At one time I am lower than the others and at one time higher than them, and then I approach a state where I am equal to them. In this kind of state I can accept everything and give everything.
From KabTV’s “The Wisdom of the Crowd” 5/6/13

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The Technology Of The “Wisdom Of The Crowd”: A Unified Image
When Will The Masses Become Wise?
The Collective Wisdom Of The Group