The Euro-Babylonian Convention

Dr. Michael LaitmanOn Sunday, I gave a lesson about the European convention. I think it was a very good lesson; I am really pleased with myself. I spoke from the heart about the importance of the convention, about the need for such a meeting especially in Europe—at the current epicenter of the global crisis, in the modern Babylon where the greatest risk of mutual hatred has been created.

I ask everyone who considers himself my student to listen to the Sunday lesson. It is not only for the Europeans. After all, at the convention, we want to achieve greater correction. If we achieve some unity in Europe, it will affect the whole continent.

You see yourself how our initiatives permeate “underground” and spread everywhere through the invisible “root system.” Join us at the European convention, support, strengthen us from everywhere, and a good echo will spread around the world.

In general, every convention is very important, but this one is special because it will take place where the world’s problems are concentrated, and there we can realize global correction.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/11/13, ”Introduction to The Book of Zohar

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The European Convention: Close Your Eyes And Do
On The Threshold Of The Spiritual World

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