Eternal Sabbath

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the “eternal Sabbath,” about which it is said that everything will be on the seventh day?

Answer: The “eternal Sabbath” represents complete adhesion of the Creator and the created being. This is a feeling of complete correction.

“Eternal rest” means that you have nothing to fight but that you have much work in constant positive yearning for the Creator. This yearning is not a result of lack, but due to the revelation of greater perfection.

We have no idea how this is possible. How can I move forward, not using the left leg at all? It is as if a middle leg appears, and you just walk forward in the revelation of the Creator.

That is, you go towards Him not because you correct yourself and move towards Him, but because He is revealed more and more, and you enter Him more and more. This is the system.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/4/13

Related Material:
The “Awakening From Above” On The Sabbath
Saturday As The Result Of Corrections
The Two Great Lights


  1. It seems like adhesion is granted, like being knighted by the King after having gone through the necessary exertion only to please Him.

  2. This was very nice. i like very much the comments of the Rav.

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