Breakthrough From Virtual To Spiritual

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: “I, the group, the world.” As long as this picture exists in our imagination, the world endures much, exactly as you said many years ago. But of course, this shouldn’t make us happy. It’s necessary to help people, to support them, especially in our European Convention

Answer: I agree absolutely. First of all, we are commanded, “And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” If I must relate to people with love, how can I be happy about their suffering? Certainly, something like this simply cannot be.

And on the other hand, when we look at what’s happening, we need to hurry and dedicate as much power and time as possible to dissemination. I hope that we will speak about this at the convention. For it’s very important for us to bring the understanding to humanity that a very clear, very concrete, simple, and practical method exists. Already today it’s possible to implement it and to see wondrous results in a number of days.

We know how rapidly people are changed within the framework of integral education beginning from the first lecture, from the first workshop. If we can only give them the method, they will open their eyes and see how simple everything is. We are preparing ourselves for this, and we already have a few hundred people in various countries that are ready to be teachers and educators.

One way or another, the world will not work it out without suffering, but these will already be sufferings of love, when together with the force that pushes people from behind, a force also draws them forward. This is our obligation, our mission, to show them the way.

In truth, I already spoke about this state many years ago, and frankly, every day I expect that they will begin to hear us. Otherwise, undoubtedly the suffering will grow more and more. And in spite of all this, I have great hopes. Due to the communications media, due to the reactions of scientists and politicians, I see that the world has changed. They are already beginning to grasp the idea and understand that today we require a breakthrough, a new way.

Question: The better that the understanding of the world is connected to the manner in which the group learns, it unites internally. And in spite of all this our ego demands a payoff in the form of conventions, and in general, endless meetings. Has the time not come for a new level? For in a form like this we cannot continue to gather the entire world. Someone will always remain on the sidelines and will feel himself deprived. Has the time not arrived when every one of us, within himself, and simultaneously in another, will come to the thought that we are one whole, not only through mutual physical activity, but also with inner activity? We need to be together internally.

Answer: The world develops from simple “mechanics,” to electronics, to radio and to television, to computers, to a virtual network, and after this, to a spiritual network. Our mutual connection is coming closer and closer to its spiritual form.

Today the world is making a transition to virtual connection, to conference calls, to telephones and chats. And now we need to go out to such a level of connection so that the whole world will know our coordinates in all segments of the network and will have the possibility of connecting with us, easily and correctly.

We need to be accessible to everyone in this virtual form so that the person can find a group, a society, a new image of humanity, a correct connection between everyone. It’s necessary for everyone to understand how to go inward, how to be included in this collective, how to live in it, how to feel included in a mutual connection. The moment that a person will take a cell phone into his hands or turn on a computer, this virtual atmosphere will then embrace him, will draw him inward and begin to work on him, will attract him more and more towards new stages of development.

And in the end, artificial channels and lines of communication will no longer be required, for we will stretch wires from heart to heart. This will be the coming level, yet we cannot rise to it without preliminary communications through these networks.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/19/13, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar

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One Comment

  1. Great article and responses…Todah
    The bottom line; WE are commanded to help one another… Yes, it is time…

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