I Don’t Feel That I Am Distant From You

Dr. Michael LaitmanBaal HaSulam, Letter 27: Of course I want to unite with you body and soul. Although I cannot work except in spirituality and in my soul, I know your soul and I can unite with it, but you cannot work in your hearts but only with the body since you don’t know my spirituality, so that you can unite with it, and if you understand that, you will also understand that I don’t feel that I am distant from you at all, but you need to be close to the body and the location of course, but it is for your own self and for your work, and not for my work.

But I pray to the Creator that He should lead you by the path of truth and that you will be saved from the obstacles along the way and that the Creator will be by you in everything that you do.

And on your part you have to be careful to follow the path that I have prepared for you, in the matter of the heart and mind, longings and prayers, and then the Creator will certainly help us and we will soon unite in our heart and soul.

Of course the distances are meaningless for a Kabbalist who understands the inner state of his students and it makes no difference what world he is in: in a body or without a body, distant in that world or nearby. If there is a connection between the teacher and the students, then nothing can affect it. It turns out that the problem is only with the students, for whom it is hard to manage without the physical feeling of one another or the teacher. So there is no other solution but to hasten the advancement as much as they can.
From the 1st Part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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