The Women’s Convention: The Only Desire

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the union of desire?

Answer: The desire doesn’t refer to the desires of this world: food, sex, family, money, power, and knowledge, but to the desire to unite, to exit oneself, to bestow.

We must strive to get one huge desire that we all want. And when, by having risen above ourselves, we all wish for our unity, we will receive the upper Light that will connect us and form a common soul, a common spiritual system. In it, we will begin to exist.
From the Virtual Lesson 1/6/13

Related Material:
The Women’s Convention: Nothing Comes Easy
The Unified Women’s Desire
Women Will Succeed!

One Comment

  1. Hello Brother
    Thank you for giving us ALL HOPE that we can make the effort to EVOLVE and DEVEOPLE to we can EXPERIENCE this one new family system. This is a very healthy functional spirtual family system in whcih we ALL ARE EQUALS spirtually speaking. Thanks for being that spiritual authenitc guide for me.

    Rick Herranz in Central Florida , USA.

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