The Formula Of Change

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: As part of my job, I have been in contact with several professors lately and among other things we speak about Kabbalah. I must say that they understand the principles, but they don’t believe.

Answer: True. They have a rational approach. “We have studied so much about our world by different sciences that the picture is clear on the whole. But here this guy who doesn’t seem ‘mad’ comes along and starts talking about some concept that we are not sure where he brings it from. He says that this is the basis of all sciences and he ties everything to Lights and vessels.”

“We don’t know anything about this. We don’t see any evidence of what he tells us about. His explanations may well sound very logical, but he establishes his wisdom on a virtual assumption. ‘Let’s suppose that it is so,’ he says, and on this assumption he bases a whole perfect philosophy.”

“But why should we accept it as a science, if according to our standards it is not a science? A science is what can be studied and thought about. He is saying that his science only requires living according to it and changing internally. We’ve never heard about anything like that. What does it mean ‘to change human nature’? We have a culture, and education, we teach people to be kind, empathic; what could be better? What does this have to do with science?”

Scientists cannot acknowledge the relativity of their perception. They don’t understand that the changes in a person change his reality since it is all created by internal responses.

The wisdom of Kabbalah explains this accurate mutual connection; to the extent that I change myself, the world that I feel changes. This is the key formula that has a fixed coefficient and a changing parameter that reflects the vessels, my desires, my sensitivity, my intentions, my thoughts, etc.; they change and then the world changes.

The Formula Of Change

X is me, K is the fixed coefficient and Y is the world. I speak to those who are willing to listen to this.

But scientists are not ready for this. They lack a new desire that pulls them out of this world. If they haven’t developed to reach it, they will not listen. One has to be sensitive not only to worldly phenomena but also to phenomena of the spiritual world.

Question: So what does that mean? That intelligent people, scholars, cannot understand us?

Answer: They are actually the most “resistant” since they are sure that they already have a solid foundation.

Question: So who can we turn to then?

Answer: There is a Kabbalistic fable about a man named Ptachiya who came to a town and took all the “empty” people to the desert. After all, if the new question about the taste of life is evoked in a person he feels that he is miserable and empty.

However, if a person doesn’t feel that, if he has no vessel, no desire that matches it, it means that he hasn’t reached a certain level of perception.

We don’t stop disseminating, of course, but only a person who has a point in the heart can hear the message of the wisdom of Kabbalah. The alternative is to feel that you are a beaten animal that has nowhere to run from the endless blows that hit it. Then it will be ready to follow us, just to get rid of the troubles.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/2/13, “Body and Soul”

Related Material:
Philosophy: A Building Without A Foundation
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Philosophy: Who Has The Last Word?
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One Comment

  1. It can be tested! It’s variables defined precisely. All general principles, and i mean ALL of the general principles apply to all the worlds, including this world. I think the main problem is that some of the definitions get lost in translation. All one needs to do is explain it in terms that scientists can understand. For example, we say change our Perception, well strictly speaking it is a very broad term, so in this case we take an “aspect” of perception such as perhaps sight, then define it along a spectrum. This then becomes our variable. Over numerous tests we can show how the results change, according to the spectrum. These tests can be done over and over again and provide consistent results, and even be fine tuned. The beauty of this is that it shows that perception itself is a variable, and different variables determine different results!

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