Gematria Is The Language Of Emotions

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Zohar, “Naso,” Item 180: The blessing of the priests. May the Lord bless you, may the Lord illuminate, may the Lord carry… the blessing it Ha-Va-Ya-H, and they are also the three names of Ha-Va-Ya-H in the blessing of the priests that are parallel to the three lines, the three letters in Ha-Va-Ya-H in the filling of S”G (63) Yod, Hay Vav, Hay. That the three letters Yod of S”G, are the initials of these three Ha-Va-Ya-H.

Kabbalists have a problem. Every science in our world like physics, chemistry, biology, zoology, and botany have a language of their own, but there is no language for emotions since in our world we cannot rate them, measure them, weigh them, or divide them into different types, etc.

When we begin to discover the desire to receive and in it different types of feelings, according to the size of the desire and its type, in three lines, in all the levels of its thickness, we need a language in order to describe how to do it.

Let’s take the writing of musical notes for example; it isn’t a language. I only draw some symbols that someone else has to play and feel, and then he may understand the feelings that I wanted to convey, although for him it may be something else. This is a very big problem.

For the same reason both psychology and psychiatry are not considered exact sciences, since they are based on the little experience, which we can build up during our lifetime and not more than that. It is because we cannot measure feelings in our senses, put them in tables, charts, and graphs so that it would be an iron rule.

Therefore, Kabbalists have invented the recording of spiritual attainment by using Gematria (numerical values of letters and words) and this has really become a very laconic language that can bring together many accurate details, which can be conveyed from one person to another. This is in contrast to musical compositions where everyone can imagine what the composer thought about, while here, you cannot be wrong. In order to develop Gematria, you have to attain and to reach the same place, the same phenomenon, to be incorporated in the same soul that wrote this and then you feel the exact same state since you are united with the soul in adhesion and so you can be sure that you have really received its message.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/13, The Zohar

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