The Murder In Connecticut

Dr. Michael LaitmanI mourn all the victims, and more so than anyone else because I feel like an accomplice, guilty of what has happened. After all, this act is a consequence of our indifference to how our children grow up and to the fact that they become violent killers … We are to blame; the education system, a lack of upbringing is to blame. When will we understand that children should not only be taught to read and write, but that we should also make human beings out of them, raise them? The lack of integral education will be manifested more and more, but how many more similar cases need to happen before we begin to act! [95551]

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  1. This is so sad, my heart feels like I have lost my children. This is so evil! We need to UNITE as ONE MAN with ONE HEART. We need to be together and Love an Feel the others as we Love and Feel Ourselves… this is the only solution, this is the only way…! This is the only path we must follow.

  2. Is there a place for dealing with mental illness within integral education?

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