Stop Looting The Planet!

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Co-President of the Club of Rome, Germany): “Every doctor knows that a prerequisite to successful treatment is the correct diagnosis. And here it is: humanity prefers to shut its eyes and think that as long as the climate does not change dramatically, we can do nothing. If humankind continues to talk this way, the world will be nearing its end.

“Unfortunately, for many people, short-term success is more important than the fate of their own grandchildren. Therefore, they all chase scary thoughts away.

“I hope to achieve five things:

We need to develop positive opportunities for growth,

It is necessary to ensure that the scandals around fishing financing (some believe that no fish should remain in the entire world ocean) or around the use of fossil fuels become known around the world,

We need to promote the ideas on “how we make the Earth more suitable for living,”

We need to collaborate with investment funds that have invested funds in accordance with strict environmental criteria; it could seriously influence the markets,

Governments and businesses around the world must adopt mandatory rules to stop the looting of the wealth of the planet.”

My Comment: If you establish a correct diagnosis, then it is not in our attitude towards the planet, but in ourselves, in our egoism, and treating the cause is the correct solution and cure. This means re-educating people, and this cannot be ignored; otherwise we will not achieve a positive result, and the disease will worsen as for all the years of the existence of the Club of Rome.

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One Comment

  1. Only the people with the proper tools can build the correct foundation.

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