To Believe Or To Play

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How is it possible to determine that the Creator is the one who arranges the problems between the friends if He is concealed and we don’t see Him?

Answer: There is none else besides Him. We simply need to believe that and act accordingly until He is revealed. Then we will see that it is so.

How do I act in a spiritual manner? When I work on closeness, I need to act that way, as if I am in front of the Creator. Do I believe that? No. I don’t believe it.

Religious people believe that they pray to the Creator. We don’t behave like that. We try to perform acts of bestowal as if the Creator is within us. The Creator is the attribute of bestowal, and we imagine that He, as it were, is in us, and in this way we act.

In this way we invite upon ourselves His acts of the Surrounding Light, until He really is revealed, is clothed, and acts on us.

Thus our acts are called a game since we play at it as if we were already in the upper world, like small children who play at being grownup, and in this way we attain all of His attributes. But if a child doesn’t play at this, he becomes an adult, and will be older, but still a child.

Thus, in comparison to various other methods, we don’t just see ourselves in our future state, but want to realize it now. Thus there can’t be such a situation that next to me there exists another group, and I wouldn’t want to come in contact with it. How could I imagine a future world, my next level, if at the same time, I wouldn’t want to be connected with another group? Is that the future?
From a Virtual Lesson 11/11/12

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