Hard To Be God, But Possible

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is the most incredible and fantastic desire we can have that will make other people exclaim “Wow!”?

Answer: We are capable of everything! We can be immortal, endless, omniscient, almighty, but only to the extent that we want to convey all of the above to others, rather than keeping everything to ourselves (for our “internal use”), meaning if we agree to turn into “transmitters.”

Comment: I went to school with a clever fellow who said that he wanted to be God. He stated that he wanted boundless pleasures that would expand with exponential acceleration. Does this kind of advancement really exist in this realm?

Answer: Of course, it does. However, there is no God the way people think of it today! The level that we achieve in the general governance is actually the level of God, the level of the Creator. Is it hard to be God? Maybe…, but it sure is possible.

Comment: This guy also mentioned that he would want to create “his own universe” with real people living in it…”

Answer: One actually is able to create one’s own universe; moreover, one can make an array of universes that are enclosed in each other. In the end, one will achieve a state of absolute revelation and fulfillment that is called “the world of Infinity” above which there are no desires. That’s where one has to stop! That’s it!

What will come next? We can’t answer this question, since the state of “Infinity” is beyond our limited boundaries. See, we still are talking about “the end”; all we can do is make the notion of “an end” a little broader, push it a little farther away. There is no such thing as “what’s next.” The categories of distance and limits simply disappear beyond these boundaries.
From KabTV’s “Talks with Michael Laitman,” 11/3/12

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