What Does It Mean To Try To Bestow?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What Does It Mean To Try To Bestow?
Answer: Trying to bestow means trying not to work for one’s own benefit as much as I can understand this. I wish to rise above any reception that can bring me any contentment and comfort, as if I cut myself off from it. And besides that, I turn to the group and try to follow the example of the friends of how to work not for reward.

It does not matter how high the group is. If I am looking for this quality in it, I will find it. And then I will be able to absorb this energy and to perform at least some action or even just want to perform an action without any self-interest, not based on the worldly energy. I will want to act detached from my material, my nature.

And naturally, what I will feel is how it is not natural and is impossible, how it is against my whole nature. But such attempts draw the Light towards me, and they are called a prayer.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/24/12, Writings of Rabash

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