Growing Up In Reverse

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Do you know that only 4-12% of American Jews consider the existence of Israel as their important issue? What does it say? (Source: AJC 2012 Survey of American Jewish Opinion)

Answer: First, it shows that representatives of the Government of Israel do a poor job in this regard. Second, there is a complete lack of understanding of how much the fate of American Jews is linked to the existence of Israel. They believe that it’s more convenient for them to be considered as American citizens, belonging to no one, like, for instance, African Americans. In this case, no one will complain about them.

But complaints will persist in any case, and “I will find you on the edge of the earth,” says the Creator. “You will not be able to escape and will be forced to fulfill your destiny to become the Light for the nations. You will not succeed in hiding, disappearing in the mass of humanity.”

We will witness how the connections between all the Jews of the world will be discovered, the ten lost tribes will be found, and they altogether, consciously or involuntarily, will fulfill their purpose.

For now, I think that from all the nations of the world we need to gather people who are aware of the purpose of humanity, the so-called “Isra-El,” with the point in the heart, aspiring to reveal the Creator. And all the rest need to vote for Romney and be nurtured by the method of integral education.

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