The Bottleneck

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When one is looking at what is happening in the world it is hard to draw conclusions about the roots of anti-Semitism, about the role of the people of Israel and their task that they are not fulfilling. Does it turn out that we should address all accusations only to ourselves or to those who already study the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

Answer: Accusations are directed precisely at us. We are obliged to bring the nation of Israel and the nations of the world to the understanding of what is happening. We are facing the manifestation of nature that is intended to initiate the correction of the entire world. As we see it today the world requires correction. This is why we have to explain to people how today’s problems are connected with the hatred toward Jews. All of these can already be revealed and corrected.

Today the nations are still not making the differentiation, but in the end, certainly, all accusations will be turned solely at us, at the worldwide Bnei Baruch association. After all, we are the source of the connection, the point of connection between the Creator and the creatures. We are the “bottleneck,” which does not pass the Light to the world. This is why we will be guilty in the eyes of the people. Subconsciously everyone will feel this way. In their view we will become the ultimate “sinners,” the “Pharaoh” enslaving them.

This is the property of the flipped pyramid.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/5/12, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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