Stay Focused

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can a physical desire, for example, sexual desire stand in my way on the spiritual path?

Answer: Physical desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, power, and knowledge cannot stand in a person’s spiritual advancement. We shouldn’t deal with what belongs to the body separately.

We should only be worried about the hatred we feel towards the friends and then toward the whole world.

If you want to eat five servings instead of one, it is harmful for the body, but it doesn’t interfere with the spiritual path. The same goes for sex.

So think only about the connection with the Creator through the friends, and you can stop worrying about all the rest.
From the Brazil Convention 5/06/12, Lesson 5

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One Comment

  1. Some have differing tastes, rejoice in our diversity, for otherwise we would be color blind to all the hues of man.

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